Conclusion – Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 4 Human Development

It can be concluded that economic development does not automatically mean human development. Quality of life, freedom of choice, equal opportunities for everyone are important indicators of human development, along with financial improvement. It is also important to note that government expenditure on social sector has great contribution to a country’s ranking on HDI. Countries with high HDI generally invest more in the social sectors and are comparatively free from political instability; As opposed to this, countries with low HDI tend to spend more on Defence rather than social sectors, as they are prone to frequent political turmoil. It should be a common goal to achieve greater human development for all countries by spending more in social sector, and all nations should work towards it.

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Chapter 4 Human Development| Class 12 Geography Notes

Human Development simply means the positive growth and progress in human habitation and livelihood. Human Development has a direct influence on the quality of life that humans lead. The point to keep in mind while understanding the topic of human development is that people are the central aspect of this concept. Basically,on we find that human development enlarges people’s choices and improves their lives.

This article provides important and simplified notes for students on the topic of Human Development, which is Chapter 4 in the Class 12 NCERT Geography textbook. Please go through this article for a better understanding of this topic and some important concepts related to it.

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Conclusion – Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 4 Human Development

It can be concluded that economic development does not automatically mean human development. Quality of life, freedom of choice, equal opportunities for everyone are important indicators of human development, along with financial improvement. It is also important to note that government expenditure on social sector has great contribution to a country’s ranking on HDI. Countries with high HDI generally invest more in the social sectors and are comparatively free from political instability; As opposed to this, countries with low HDI tend to spend more on Defence rather than social sectors, as they are prone to frequent political turmoil. It should be a common goal to achieve greater human development for all countries by spending more in social sector, and all nations should work towards it....

Human Development- FAQs

When was HDI first published?...