Consequences of Korean war

  • The signing of the armistice between North and South Korea did put an end to the war, however in the absence of an official peace treaty, the two countries are still said to be technically at war.
  • The Armistice agreement led to the setting up of the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) to separate North and South Korea, which continues to exist even today. It is a 150 miles long region with no military presence and acts as a buffer zone between the two countries.
  • The area surrounding the DMZ is however heavily militarized.
  • The Korean war was devastating for the entire Korean peninsula, as there were heavy casualties on both sides. Civilians were also killed along with the soldiers and the estimated number of people killed in the war is approximately 3 million.
  • Great damage was also caused to the economy, property and mental health of the people.
  • The shared trauma by people in both the countries still remains very much alive, and it will take many more years, before the political relationship between both nation actually sees any significant improvement,
  • To this day, the bitterness remains unresolved between both the countries, and the present day hostile relations between North and South Korea is living proof of it.

Korean War – History, Causes and Consequences

The Korean War started in June 1950 when North Korea launched an attack on South Korea. It lasted till 1953 and was an important event in the history of the Cold War , that was happening at a larger international stage. Responding to this situation , The United States responded by, leading a United Nations force of more than a dozen countries, and came to help South Korea.

USSR covertly supported North Korea and China, which entered the scene much later in November 1950, also came to support North Korea which led to a massive clash between the Chinese and American forces. The war ended in a stalemate after three years in 1953, with the border between North and South Korea remaining almost unchanged.

To this day the tension between North and South Korea remain high as technically the two countries are still said to be at war, since no peace treaty was ever signed between them. The Korean war holds a great deal of significance with regards to the Cold war because it was also being seen as a power struggle between the US and Soviet union, as they both chose their sides to support.

Table of Content

  • Brief overview of Korean history that led to the Korean War
  • The Korean War: North Korea vs South Korea
  • The Korean War and the Cold War
  • Escalation
  • The Korean War Reaches a Stalemate
  • Korean War Casualties
  • Consequences of Korean war
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ’s on Korean War

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