Constitution of China – Preamble

The preamble is like an intro to the main context of the Constitution. China is a very old country with a long history. In 1949, the People’s Revolution, led by the Communist Party of China and Chairman Mao Zedong, finally succeeded. This created the People’s Republic of China. China is working hard to build a modern socialist country that is wealthy, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.

The 4 Components of the Constitution of China Preamble are as follows:

  1. Historical Narrative
  2. Transition to Socialism
  3. The Political Framework
  4. Aspirations and Long-term Goals

Constitution of People’s Republic of China

The Constitution of China is a set of fundamental rules and principles that define how a country or organization is governed. The constitution of China was adopted on the 4th of December 1982.

 The Communist Party of China plays a crucial role in leading the country with the help of the constitution. This Constitution is like a rulebook for how China’s government works. It contains the country’s important laws and Chinese citizens’ rights.

In this article, we will learn about The Constitution of China, Its features, Amendments, and Importance.

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Important Amendments in the Constitution of China

Year Amendment Significance 1988 First The changes added a new clause to the Constitution: “The State permits the private sector of the economy to exist and develop within the limits prescribed by law.”  This changed the way for the growth of private businesses, encouraging entrepreneurship and contributing to China’s later economic boom. The Constitution was changed to allow for the transfer of land-use rights according to the law. 1993 Second The fundamental principle outlining the economic system was changed from a “planned economy” to a “socialist market economy.” China acknowledged the importance of market forces like supply and demand, competition, and pricing in guiding its economy. The goal was to combine the strengths of planned economic coordination with the dynamism of a market economy to drive economic development. 1999 Third The phrase “governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law” was added to the constitution.  The concept of the “Three Represents” was officially added to the Constitution. This political theory by Jiang Zemin stressed that the Communist Party should represent advanced productive forces, advanced culture, and the interests of the majority of Chinese people  The Preamble was updated to reflect the progress made under the theory of “building socialism with Chinese characteristics.” 2004 Fourth  The language of the Constitution was significantly modified. Statements like “Citizens’ lawful private property is inviolable” were added. It explicitly allowed for compensation in cases where the state expropriates private property for public use.  This reflected China’s growing private sector. It aimed to give business owners and investors greater security, encouraging further economic development. The phrase “The State respects and protects human rights” was included. This marked the first explicit mention of human rights in the Constitution.  2018 Fifth The clause limiting presidential terms was removed.”Supervisory commissions” were added to the existing structure of government, courts, and prosecution offices. This Amendment helped Xi Jinping to hold his position as President of China for a longer time....

Constitution of China – Preamble

The preamble is like an intro to the main context of the Constitution. China is a very old country with a long history. In 1949, the People’s Revolution, led by the Communist Party of China and Chairman Mao Zedong, finally succeeded. This created the People’s Republic of China. China is working hard to build a modern socialist country that is wealthy, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful....

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Chinese Constitution 1982

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Features of the Constitutions

Socialist Character: The Constitution shows that China is a socialist state. This guides the country’s economic, political, and social structure as a socialist. Leadership of the Communist Party: The uncontested leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is enshrined in the Constitution. The CPC plays a central role in guiding the direction of the country and policy making. Unitary System: China has a unitary system of government, meaning the central government holds ultimate authority, though administrative powers are delegated to provinces and local levels. This helps in quick and faster decision-making and Implementation. Mixed Economy: The Constitution shows a significant role for both state-owned and non-state sectors of the economy, reflecting China’s “socialist market economy” model that eventually helps them to grow faster. Fundamental Rights and Duties: The Constitution includes a chapter outlining the fundamental rights of citizens such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion, as well as their duties like paying taxes, defending the country, and upholding the law these are the fundamental rights and duties that a good citizen must follow. Supremacy of the Constitution: It’s declared as the supreme law of the country. All other laws and regulations are under their decisions and judgements. It is important to have because it limits any government and private company power misuse....

Importance of Constitution

1. Foundation for the Legal System: The Constitution acts as the supreme law of the country, setting the framework for all other laws and regulations. It establishes the rules of the game for everyone – individuals, institutions, and the government itself....


China’s Constitution is very different from many countries. China is a Socialist country with a one-party system which is led by the Communist Party of China. Constitution is a very important document that contains the fundamental principles of the Chinese government laws and fundamental rights and duties of the citizens of their country. It was first written in 1954 and has been changed several times until the final output or version came out in 1982....

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