Construction of Davisson Germer Experiment

The Davisson and Germer experiment is contained within a vacuum chamber. As a result, electron deflection and scattering by the medium are avoided. The following are the major components of the experimental setup:

Electron gun: An electron gun is a Tungsten filament that produces electrons by thermionic emission, which means that it emits electrons when heated to a specific temperature.

Electrostatic particle accelerator: To accelerate electrons at a known potential, two oppositely charged plates (positive and negative plate) are employed.

Collimator: The accelerator is housed within a cylinder with a restricted path for electrons running along its axis. Its purpose is to prepare a narrow and straight (collimated) electron beam for acceleration.

Target: The goal is to find a nickel crystal. On the Nickel crystal, the electron beam is fired normally. The crystal is positioned in such a way that it may be rotated around a fixed axis.

Detector: A detector is used to collect dispersed electrons from the Ni crystal. As illustrated in the picture below, the detector may be moved in a semicircular arc.

Davisson-Germer Experiment

Davisson Germer Experiment established the wave nature of electrons and validated the de Broglie equation for the first time. De Broglie proposed the dual nature of the matter in 1924, but it wasn’t until later that Davisson and Germer’s experiment confirmed the findings. The findings provided the first experimental verification of quantum mechanics. We shall investigate the scattering of electrons by a Ni crystal in this experiment. Let us investigate more.

Table of Content

  • Construction of Davisson Germer Experiment
  • Working of Davisson Germer experiment
  • Observations of Davisson Germer experiment
  • The Idea Behind the Experiment Setup
  • Davisson and Germer Experiment Results
  • Sample Questions of Davisson Germer Experiment

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