Construction of De Sauty Bridge

Let the variable resistors be R3 and R4 respectively. The standard capacitance is C2 and the unknown capacitance is C1. R3, R4, C1, and C2 are placed on four sides of a quadrilateral ABCD. We can place C1 on side AB, R1 on side BC, R4 on side CD and C2 on side AD of the quadrilateral. The galvanometer should be placed along the diagonal BD of the quadrilateral and the AC supply should also be placed along the other diagonal AC. The balanced condition can be obtained by varying the values of R3 and R4. The balance condition is independent of frequency. If either or both of the capacitors are imperfect or not free from dielectric losses, then the balance condition can be never obtained.

Circuit Diagram

De Sauty Bridge

De Sauty Bridge is an AC bridge used to find the unknown capacitance in a circuit. French engineer Paul de Sauty invented it. De Sauty Bridge compares the unknown capacitance with another standard or known capacitor. It can also be used to compare the capacitors used in a circuit. De Sauty Bridge has a high degree of accuracy in measuring unknown capacitance over a wide range of capacitances. It works on the principle of null deflection. It is the simplest way to compare two pure(non-inductive) capacitors. The circuit design of the De Sauty Bridge is very simple and straightforward and the calculations are also simple. However, it can only measure capacitors that are free from dielectric loss. To overcome this disadvantage Grover modified the De Sauty Bridge by adding extra resistors.

Table of Content

  • Defintion
  • Working Principle
  • Components
  • Construction
  • Formula
  • Phasor Diagram
  • Modified De Sauty Bridge
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Application

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Working Principle of De Sauty Bridge

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Construction of De Sauty Bridge

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Applications of De Sauty Bridge

Measuring the values of unknown capacitance. De Sauty Bridge finds the unknown capacitance in terms of the standard capacitance.It can be used to find dielectric loss in capacitorsThe De Sauty Bridge offers high precision and accuracy compared to other bridges. So it is used in applications where precise values are needed like laboratories. It can be used to measure the impedance, which includes both reactance and resistance. This will be helpful in analyzing circuits that contain elements like inductors and capacitors.De Sauty Bridge is widely used in engineering applications like Electric machines, Power systems etc....


De Sauty Bridge is an AC bridge used to find the unknown capacitance in an electrical circuit. It is an important instrument used in the field of electrical engineering to measure the capacitance and other components in an electrical circuit. The main advantage of the De Sauty Bridge is its simple circuit design and uncomplicated calculations. The De Sauty bridge offers high accuracy and precision compared to other bridge circuits. However, the main disadvantage is that it can only find the values of capacitors that are free from dielectric loss. To overcome this disadvantage a modified version of the De Sauty bridge is used....

Solved Examples

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FAQs on De Sauty Bridge

What is De Sauty Bridge?...