Contemporary Centres of Power

What are the objectives of establishing regional organisations?

The following goals guided the establishment of the regional organizations:

  • To bring regional growth up to speed with the rapidly expanding world economy.
  • To quicken economic expansion by means of cultural and social advancement.
  • To advance peace and stability in the region by upholding the United Nations Charter’s tenets and the rule of law.

How does the geographical proximity influence the formation of regional organisations?

The establishment of regional organizations is impacted by geographic closeness for the following reasons:

  • It is impacted by a great deal of historical animosities and weaknesses.
  • Occasionally, people with similar interests get together.
  • Geographic proximity also contributes to prosperous regions for the local economy.

What are the components of the ASEAN Visiong020?

The following is a summary of ASEAN Vision 2020’s components:

  • A global perspective within the international society.
  • To promote talks to resolve disputes in the area.
  • To mediate the resolution of crises, such as the East Timor Crisis, the Cambodian conflict, and the yearly discussion of East Asian cooperation through meetings.

Name the pillars aid objectives of ASEAN community

The three pillars listed below were developed by the ASEAN community:

  • Security Community of ASEAN
  • The Economic Community of ASEAN
  • The Sociocultural Community of ASEAN.

The following are the goals of the ASEAN community:

  • Armed conflicts for territory shouldn’t turn into hostilities.
  • To spur economic expansion via advancements in culture and society.
  • To advance peace and stability in the region by upholding the rule of law and the UN Charter’s tenets.
  • To create a dispute resolution process to address financial disagreements.
  • To establish free trade zones for labor, services, and investments.

In what ways does the present Chinese economy differ from its command economy?

The “open door policy” has been embraced by the Chinese economy today in an effort to increase productivity through capital and technological investments. Here’s how it was different from its command economy:

  • It ended the command economy’s stagnation.
  • The Chinese economy made up for the command economy’s fall behind industrial production by privatizing both industry and agriculture.
  • The current Chinese economy introduced Special Economic Zones and new trade regulations, which increased the growth of foreign trade. There was extremely little international trade and very little per capita income during the Command Economy.

Contemporary Centres of Power| Class 12 Political Science Notes

After the end of the bipolar design of world political issues in the mid 1990s, it became clear that elective communities of political and monetary power could restrict America’s dominance. Thus, in Europe, the European Union (EU) and, in Asia, the Relationship of South East Asian Countries (ASEAN), have arisen as powers to deal with. While developing regional solutions for their verifiable enmities and shortcomings, both the EU and the ASEAN have created elective organizations and shows that form a more quiet and helpful provincial request. They have also changed the nations in the district into prosperous economies. The financial ascent of China decisively affects world governmental issues.

In this article, we will discuss all the points related to alternative centres of power and assess their possible role in the future.

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The US hegemony was established and the bipolar structure of world politics came to an end with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. By then, a number of alternative centers of political and economic power had developed in international society, such as the European Union (EU) in Europe and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Asia, that could challenge US supremacy. Other strong countries like China, Russia, India, and international organizations like BRICS emerged alongside these regional organizations, and these would be regarded as alternative centers of power....

Contemporary Centres of Power- FAQs

What are the objectives of establishing regional organisations?...