
What is Conduction, Convection, and Radiation?

  • Conduction: Conduction is the transfer of heat through a material by direct contact whenever there is a difference in temperature. For example, a pot of boiling water on a hot stove burner will heat the metal of the pot through conduction.
  • Convection: Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid or gas, such as air or water. For example, the heating of water in a pot is an example of convection.
  • Radiation: Radiation is the transfer of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves, such as infrared waves. For example, we can observe the rise in temperature around a boiling pot of water because of radiation.

What is a Convection Current?

The movement of fluid caused by temperature or a difference in density within the fluid is known as convection current.

What are the Types of Convection?

There are two types of convection, that is as follows:

  • Natural Convection
  • Forced Convection

Who postulated the Thermal Convection Current Theory?

Arthus Holmes postulated the theory of thermal convection current that explains the problems regarding the formation of features on the Earth’s surface, like mountains.


Convection is one of the ways out of three ways, in which heat can transfer between systems or substances. Other than Convection, Conduction, and Radiation are the other two modes of heat transfer. It has probably been seen that if a cup of hot tea is left on a table for a long period, it cools down.

This is due to heat loss to the environment. As a result, heat transfer is described as the transmission of heat or thermal energy from one physical system to another. Therefore, when two bodies have a temperature differential, heat is transported from the hot body to the cooler body. 

Table of Content

  • What is Convection?
  • Convection Examples
  • Type of Convection
  • Newton’s Law of Cooling
  • Sample Questions on Convection

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