Converse Statement: Practice Questions

Q1: If all birds have wings, do all winged creatures have beaks?

Q2: If all triangles have three sides, do all polygons with three sides have to be triangles?

Q3: If all vehicles are cars, are all cars vehicles?

Converse Statement

Converse Statement is a type of conditional statement where the hypothesis (or antecedent) and conclusion (or consequence) are reversed relative to a given conditional statement.

For instance, consider the statement: “If a triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle, then all its interior angles are equal.” The converse of this statement would be: “If all the interior angles of triangle ABC are equal, then it is an equilateral triangle”

In this article, we will discuss all the things related to the Converse statement in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Converse Statement?
  • How to Write a Converse Statement?
  • Examples of Converse Statements
  • Truth Value of a Converse Statement
  • Truth Table for Converse Statement
  • Other Types of Statements

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Converse Statement: Practice Questions

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