Conversion of decimal to percent

Below is steps to convert decimal to a percent.

  • Step 1: Multiply the decimal number by 100 then it gets shifted by two decimal points gets shifted to its right by two places.
  • Step 2: Finally add the percentage symbol i.e; % to the resultant number. For example, 0.38 = 0.38 × 100 = 38 %.

How to convert Decimal To Percent with Solved Examples

Decimal to percent conversion is very useful in number system. Decimal is derived from the Latin word Decimus which implies one-10th. The decimal framework has a base of 10. It is normally perceived by the dot “, ” between the digits called “decimal point”. The expression “percent” is comprised of two words ‘per and cent’ which signifies “Out of 100”. At the end of the day, we can say that percent is the proportion determined out of 100.

Table of Content

  • Decimal
  • Percentage
  • Conversion of decimal to percent
  • Decimal to Percentage Formula
    • Decimal to Percent chart
    • Sample Questions on decimal to percent conversion

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