Conversion of Units Formula

For converting different units we have two ways:

  • Converting smaller unit to bigger unit, or
  • Converting bigger unit into smaller unit.

If we want to convert smaller unit to bigger unit then we divide according to the relation between units. If we want to convert bigger unit to smaller unit then we multiply according to the relation between the units.

Hence, conversion of unit requires multiplication or division of the given unit as per its relation with the other units. The relation between the units can be remembered by the conversion tables. Below are the few important unit conversion tables.

Note: Unit conversion can be done under same measurements only. For instance, a unit of length cannot be converted to the unit of mass.

Conversion of Unit

Conversion of Units or Unit Conversion is a process used to represent the value of the same quantity in different units. For instance, mass can be represented in grams instead of kilograms. Unit Conversion is fundament and is used in many real-life scenarios such as for finding distance, area, length, weight, time, and much more.

In this article, we will explore the conversion of units, its definition, examples, conversion of units table, and solve some examples related to it.

Table of Content

  • What is Conversion of Units?
  • Conversion of Units Formula
  • Conversion of Units Table
  • Solved Examples

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