Convert a PDF to a Document using Python

The pdf2docx module uses PyMuPDF to extract information from PDFs, including text, pictures, and illustrations. It can generate new layouts by adjusting margins, sections, and columns. It offers features like text orientation, direction, and font attributes. Document files, such as Microsoft Word, PDF, RTF, ODT, and TXT, are essential for various sectors like academia, commerce, research, and publishing. PDF files are flexible, compatible across platforms, and can be viewed on multiple operating systems.

Convert a PDF to a Document using ‘pdf2docx’ library

The code snippet converts a PDF file to a DOCX file using the ‘pdf2docx’ library, initializing the conversion process with the ‘Converter’ function. The ‘convert()’ method is invoked on the ‘cv’ object, and the ‘close()’ method is called to terminate the conversion.


# Import the required modules
from pdf2docx import Converter
# Keeping the PDF's location in a separate variable
pdf_file = r"C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\INTERNSHIP\DSA GEEEKSFORGEEKS.pdf"
# Maintaining the Document's path in a separate variable
docx_file = r"C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\INTERNSHIP\DSA GEEEKSFORGEEKS.docx"
# Using the built-in function, convert the PDF file to a document file by saving it in a variable.
cv = Converter(pdf_file)
# Storing the Document in the variable's initialised path
# Conversion closure through the function close()


Output in the terminal

Inside the Folder (INTERNSHIP)

Importing Parse by using a file path

The code uses the extract function from the pdf2docx library to transform PDF files into DOCX files, converting them to the desired format and storing them at the designated location.


from pdf2docx import parse
pdf_file = r"C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\INTERNSHIP\DSA GEEEKSFORGEEKS.pdf"
docx_file = r"C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\INTERNSHIP\DSA GEEEKSFORGEEKS.docx"
# convert pdf to docx
parse(pdf_file, docx_file)


Output Window

Inside the folder(INTERNSHIP)

How to Convert a PDF to Document using Python?

To convert PDF files to Doc format you can use a Python module and it will make it straightforward for you in the conversion of pdf to doc. In this article, We’ll explore converting a PDF document to a Doc file using Python. In this, we use the pdf2docx module as it contains built-in functionalities that will simplify the conversion process and won’t necessitate the use of an online converter.

Required Modules

Before diving deep into the code make sure that you have installed these required modules in your Python environment.

pip install pdf2docx

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Convert a PDF to a Document using Python

The pdf2docx module uses PyMuPDF to extract information from PDFs, including text, pictures, and illustrations. It can generate new layouts by adjusting margins, sections, and columns. It offers features like text orientation, direction, and font attributes. Document files, such as Microsoft Word, PDF, RTF, ODT, and TXT, are essential for various sectors like academia, commerce, research, and publishing. PDF files are flexible, compatible across platforms, and can be viewed on multiple operating systems....