Convert Python Dict to JSON

In the below code, we are converting a Python dictionary to a JSON object using json.dumps() method of JSON module in Python. We first import the JSON module and then make a small dictionary with some key-value pairs and then passed it into json.dumps() method with ‘indent=4’ to convert this Python dictionary into a JSON object. As we have given the value of indent to 4 there are four whitespaces before each data as seen in the output.


# Python program to convert
# Python to JSON
import json
# Data to be written
dictionary = {
  "id": "04",
  "name": "sunil",
  "department": "HR"
# Serializing json
json_object = json.dumps(dictionary, indent = 4)


    "id": "04",
    "name": "sunil",
    "department": "HR"

The following types of Python objects can be converted into JSON strings: 

Python objects and their equivalent conversion to JSON:


JSON Equivalent



list, tuple




int, float








Read, Write and Parse JSON using Python

JSON is a lightweight data format for data interchange that can be easily read and written by humans, and easily parsed and generated by machines. It is a complete language-independent text format. To work with JSON data, Python has a built-in package called JSON.

Example of JSON String

s = '{"id":01, "name": "Emily", "language": ["C++", "Python"]}'

The syntax of JSON is considered a subset of the syntax of JavaScript including the following:

  • Name/Value pairs: Represents Data, the name is followed by a colon(:), and the Name/Value pairs are separated by a comma(,).
  • Curly braces: Holds objects.
  • Square brackets: Hold arrays with values separated by a comma (,).

Keys/Name must be strings with double quotes and values must be data types amongst the following: 

Example of JSON file:

"employee": [
"id": "01",
"name": "Amit",
"department": "Sales"
"id": "04",
"name": "sunil",
"department": "HR"

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