Convex Lens Ray Diagram

A ray diagram is a graphical respresentation to make you understand about how images are formed by lenses. Now, we will create a ray diagram for a convex lens.

Image Formation by Convex Lens

Object at Infinity:

  • Image is formed at the focal point (F) on the opposite side of the lens.
  • Real, inverted, and highly diminished.

Object at Beyond 2F:

  • Image is formed between F and 2F on the opposite side of the lens.
  • Real, inverted, and diminished.

Object at 2F:

  • Image is formed at 2F on the opposite side of the lens.
  • Real, inverted, and the same size as the object.

Object in Between F and 2F:

  • Image is formed beyond 2F on the opposite side of the lens.
  • Real, inverted, and enlarged.

Object at F:

  • Image is formed at infinity on the opposite side of the lens.
  • No real image is formed, only a virtual image.

Object Distance Less than F:

  • Image is formed on the same side as the object.
  • Virtual, upright, and enlarged.

Table for Image formation in Convex lens

All the possible cases of image formation can be see

Object Position

Image Position

Image Size

Image Nature

Beyond 2F

Between F and 2F


Real, Inverted

At 2F

At 2F

Same Size

Real, Inverted

Between F and 2F

Beyond 2F


Real, Inverted

At F



Real, Inverted (Highly Diminished)

Between F and Lens

Beyond 2F


Virtual, Upright

At Lens

At Lens


Virtual, Upright

Object Inside Lens

Between Lens and F


Virtual, Upright

Real and Virtual Image in Convex lens

A convex lens is capable of forming both real and virtual images.

  • An object forms a virtual and upright picture when it is positioned between the focus and the optical center
  • Real and inverted image when it is positioned beyond the focal point.

Convex Lens

A convex lens is a converging lens that brings incident light rays together at a point. These lenses are thicker at the center and thinner towards the edges. The images formed by a convex lens can be real or virtual. The power of a convex lens is positive, and it is commonly used to correct hypermetropia.

In this article, we will learn about the Convex Lens, exploring its properties, the formation of images, the characteristics of the images, the formula for calculating power, and magnification, along with its diverse applications.

Table of Content

  • What is a Convex Lens?
  • Parts of Convex Lens
  • Types of Convex Lens
  • Properties of Convex Lens
  • Convex Lens Ray Diagram
  • Formula of Convex Lens
  • Applications of Convex Lens

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