Countries Overview

Present Country Name

Land Area

(sq km)


( million)

Literacy Rate

(Percent %)

Official Language






Sri Lanka




Sinhala, Tamil






























English, Swati

Burkina Faso









English, Shona, Ndebele

Countries that Changed Names

Countries change their names for a variety of reasons, often driven by a combination of political, cultural, historical, and even economic factors. Here are some of the most common motivations like making the transition from the present into the future with New thoughts and goals. Changing a Country’s Name directly shows that the country has adopted a New Ideology. Many countries that were formerly colonies have chosen to change their names after gaining independence.

In this article, we are going to learn and discuss when and why Countries have their Names.

Table of Content

  • List of Countries that Changed their names
  • Countries Overview
  • Reason for Changing Country’s Name

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List of Countries that Changed their names


Countries Overview

Present Country Name Land Area (sq km) Population ( million) Literacy Rate (Percent %) Official Language Myanmar 6,76,578 54.4 84.8 Burmese Sri Lanka 65,610 22.5 92.5 Sinhala, Tamil Bangladesh 147,570 168.9 74.5 Bengali Czechia 78,867 10.7 99.9 Czech Turkiye 783,356 84.3 96.8 Turkish Thailand 513,115 70.4 97.0 Thai Iran 1,648,195 83.1 97.0 Persian eSwatini 17,363 1.1 81 English, Swati Burkina Faso 274,200 21.5 27 French Zimbabwe 390,757 15.0 92 English, Shona, Ndebele...

Reason for Changing Country’s Name Country Changes Their Name To Reason for Changing 1 Burma —–> Mayanmar In 1889, the military government of Burma changed its name to Myanmar to show the world that they had the freedom from colonialism. Changing Burma to Myanmar is a Symbol to reflect that they are rooted to their Country’s History , cultural heritage and literature. To get International recognition as Mayanmar to give a message to the world that Mayanmar has adopted a new ideology on which the nation will walk to progress. Changing country’s name is the symbolic way that they now have their Ideology to follow and not to follow any others like the influence of Colonialism and Chinese in their country. 2 Ceylon ——> Sri Lanka In 1989, Ceylon gained freedom from British rule and changed its name to “Sri Lanka ” the name which comes from their past culture. After getting freedom from the Colonialsm they changed their countries name to Sri Lanka that is connected with the countries cultural heritage , literature and with the language . Name-changing is a symbolic way to show the world that a country has adopted a New ideology to move further on. 3 East Pakistan –> Bangladesh In 1971, East Pakistan Changed its name to Bangladesh after the nine-month nine-month liberation war. It changed its name to show that it has a difference in culture and a different language-speaking population in the majority. the official language of Bangladesh is Bengali and East Pakistan has Urdu. In 1952, there was a movement in Bangladesh called – the Bengali language movement This movement worked as a spark to get freedom or separation from Pakistan. Bangladesh have different language , culture and history based on that they were separated and get freedom from Pakistan . 4 Czech Republic –>Czechia In 2016, the government of Czechia officially adopted the Name Czechia as a short name in English to give a message to the world that they have changed in Ideology and Now, they are heading towards modernization. To get International Recognition the government thought that a single word would be easy for International people to remember. Czechia directly comes from the Cesko the shorter name fro the country in Czech their national official language. 5 Turkey ———-> Turkiye In 2021, President Erdogan announced a request for the International community to use Turkiye instead of Turkey whenever in the country. The Turkish government believes that the Turkiye is the right way to pronounce and write, it also reflects the country’s cultural heritage. To reclaim the country’s culture and present it in their a way to the world. In June 2022, the United Nations accepted the country’s name as Turkiye and will use it whenever a nation wants to refer to the United Nations as Turkiye. 6 Siam ———–> Thailand In 1939, Siam Changes its name to Thailand under the rule of Field Marshal – Phibun Songkhram. The Field Marshal aims for nationalism and modernization in Thailand. So, he started to changes that needed to accept modernization. The meaning of Thailand – ” The land of Thailand” is the ethnic group of Thai people being united by the name. Siam was used for centuries by the iconoclasm. To show that they get Independence. 7 Persia ———–> Iran In 1935, the Iranian government under Reza Shah Pahlavi requested the international community to use Iran whenever they were referring to the nation in literature and while speaking about it. Iran originates from the ancient Iranian language and reflects the country’s cultural heritage. The term “Persia “comes from the Greek an was referred to the southernwest region of the country, not the whole country. Changed name further to avoid confusion and misrepresentation because “Persia” leads to confusion with the English word “Persian” which means a type of cat or rug. To reclaim the culture and literature of the country. 8 Swaziland ——->eSwatini In 2018, Swaziland changed its Country name to Eswatini because eSatini comes from the Swati language and the meaning of the country name is “Land of the Swazis “. Changing the name of the country signifies that it is the symbol of the nation’s pride to be rooted in their history and culture. eSwatini’s name is the pride symbol of getting independence from colonialism. 9 Upper Volta——>Burkina Faso In 1984, the country changed its name from Upper Volta to “Burkina Faso” under the leadership of Captain Thomas Sankara who came into power through a military coup in 1983. Upper Volta was named to the country by the French Colonizers. Upper Volta does not associate with the country’s culture and country literature or language. Burkina Faso means “The land of Inccrouptable People” in Bambara and Dyula the two majorly spoken languages in the country. The changing country is a symbolic way of presenting countries’ love towards their cultural heritage, language and national pride. 10 Rhodesia——>Zimbabwe In 1980, the country changed its name from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe. The struggle to change was not only one year long They were constantly year by year struggling for it and it started in 1965 when Southern Rhodesia got the Unilateral Deceleration of Independence (UDI). Rhodesia was named the country under Colonialsm Rule After that when they got Independence from them they changed the country’s name to Zimbabwe. They changed it to Zimbabwe because it represents their history and culture to the majority of Shona People. The name change was very important for getting International recognition and legitimacy of the newly formed government Ideology....


Countries change their names for a variety of reasons, often driven by a combination of political, cultural, historical, and even economic factors. Changing any Country is a symbol of national pride, adopted new political Ideology, and Pride in gaining independence from colonialism. Every country in the world has its history , language, culture and different way of living life but When Conoliasm entered any country they changed the country’s International and National identity that’s why when countries started getting freedom or Independence Changing countries name become a symbolic way to present Now are they have their Ideology to follow and also way to connect their country name with their History, culture and literate....

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