Countries With the Highest Democracy Index Score

According to the 2021 Democracy Index, Norway, New Zealand, and Finland ranked as the top three countries in World.


Democracy Index Score (out of 10)







New Zealand




Norway is ranked highest in the 2020 Democracy Index, scoring 9.81 out of 10. Iceland (9.37), Sweden (9.26), New Zealand (9.25), and Canada (9.24) are the next closest places. With constant high scores across the board, these nations have been in the top 10 for a number of years.

Most Democratic Countries in the World

Most Democratic Countries in the World: Most Democratic Countries include Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, etc. where the democracy Index is very high. Norway, for example, got a high score of 9.75 out of 10, which means they’re doing a fantastic job at having a fair and open system where people can have a say in how things are run. On the other hand, Countries like North Korea, South Sudan, and Syria are considered the least democratic.

This article will explore some of the most democratic countries in the world, based on various indicators and scores.

Table of Content

  • What is the Democracy Index?
  • Key Indicators of a Democratic Country
  • List of Most Democratic Countries in the World
  • Countries With the Highest Democracy Index Score
  • Countries With the Least Democracy Index Score

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Conclusion – Most Democratic Countries in the World

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