CPU-Bound vs I/O-Bound Processes

A CPU-bound process requires more CPU time or spends more time in the running state. An I/O-bound process requires more I/O time and less CPU time. An I/O-bound process spends more time in the waiting state. 

Process planning is an integral part of the process management operating system. It refers to the mechanism used by the operating system to determine which process to run next. The goal of process scheduling is to improve overall system performance by maximizing CPU utilization, minimizing execution time, and improving system response time. 

Introduction of Process Management

A process is a program in execution. For example, when we write a program in C or C++ and compile it, the compiler creates binary code. The original code and binary code are both programs. When we actually run the binary code, it becomes a process. A process is an ‘active’ entity instead of a program, which is considered a ‘passive’ entity. A single program can create many processes when run multiple times; for example, when we open a .exe or binary file multiple times, multiple instances begin (multiple processes are created). 

Process management within operating systems involves a set of methodologies and protocols dedicated to overseeing the creation, scheduling, and termination of processes. It encompasses activities such as process creation, planning, termination, and resource allocation. Through techniques like process mapping, analysis, and optimization, operating systems ensure efficient CPU utilization, minimize response times, and maintain system stability. Process management is fundamental to maintaining system performance and ensuring users perceive seamless control over CPU resources.

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CPU-Bound vs I/O-Bound Processes

A CPU-bound process requires more CPU time or spends more time in the running state. An I/O-bound process requires more I/O time and less CPU time. An I/O-bound process spends more time in the waiting state....

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Advantages of Process Management

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Disadvantages of Process Management

Time and Resource Intensive: Implementing and maintaining process management initiatives can be time-consuming and require significant resources. Resistance to Change: Some employees may resist changes to established processes, which can slow down or hinder the implementation of process management initiatives. Overemphasis on Process: Overemphasis on the process can lead to a lack of focus on customer needs and other important aspects of business operations. Risk of Standardization: Standardizing processes too much can limit flexibility and creativity, potentially stifling innovation. Difficulty in Measuring Results: Measuring the effectiveness of process management initiatives can be difficult, making it challenging to determine their impact on organizational performance....

GATE-CS-Questions on Process Management

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FAQs on Process Management

Q.1: Why process management is important?...