Create a graphic of the data

We are using the ggplot function from the ggploe2 library to plot the graph of the given dataframe. Here, we are just visualizing the data frame accordingly in the R programming language.


new_df <- ggplot(df,          
              aes(x, y, fill = z)) +



Scale ggplot2 Color Gradient to Range Outside of Data in R

In this article, we are going to see how to Scale ggplot2 Color Gradient to Range Outside of Data in R Programming Language.

Creating dataframe:

Under this, we are simply creating a data frame of 6 rows and 3 columns.


df <- data.frame(x = seq(- 2, 2, 1),
                   y = rep(seq(- 2, 2, 1), each = 5),
                   z = round(rnorm(25, 50, 70)))



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Create a graphic of the data


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We are using the ggplot function from the ggploe2 library to plot the graph of the given dataframe. Here, we are just visualizing the data frame accordingly in the R programming language....