Create A Simple Messagebox In Python

Below are the possible approaches to creating a simple messagebox in Python:

  • Using tkinter
  • Using PyQt5

Create A Simple Messagebox In Python Using tkinter

In this example, we are using the tkinter library to create a simple messagebox. The root.withdraw() method hides the main window, allowing only the messagebox to be displayed. The messagebox.showinfo function shows an informational messagebox with the title “Important Msg” and the message “Hello from w3wiki”. Finally, root.mainloop() keeps the application running.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
root = tk.Tk()
messagebox.showinfo("Important Msg", "Hello from w3wiki")


Create A Simple Messagebox In Python Using PyQt5

In this example, we are using the PyQt5 library to create a simple messagebox. We initialize a QApplication instance and create a QMessageBox object. The setIcon, setWindowTitle, and setText methods configure the icon, title, and text of the messagebox respectively. The exec_() method displays the messagebox, and app.exec_() starts the event loop to keep the application running.

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox

app = QApplication([])

msg_box = QMessageBox()
msg_box.setWindowTitle("MessageBox 2")
msg_box.setText("Hello w3wiki Once Again")



How to Create a Simple Messagebox in Python

Python has the capability to create GUI applications using libraries like tkinter and PyQt5. These libraries provide easy-to-use methods for creating various GUI elements, including messageboxes. In this article, we will explore both this approaches to create a simple messagebox in Python.

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