Create Kubernetes Secrets Using A Manifest File

  • It comes with facilitating a declarative way of defining secrets using YAML or JSON manifest files. It facilitates with easy sharing and replication of secrets configurations on different environments.
  • The following is the simple Yaml file for creating kubernetes secrets.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: my-secret
type: Opaque
username: YWRtaW4= # base64 encoded username
password: cGFzc3dvcmQ= # base64 encoded password
  • After the saving the above file code as mysecret-file.yaml execute the file and create secrets using following command:
kubectl apply -f mysecret-file.yaml

Kubernetes – Secrets

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system mainly used for automated software deployment, management, and scaling. Kubernetes is also known as K8s. Kubernetes was originally developed by Google but it is now being maintained by Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It was originally designed to be interfaced with only Docker runtime but it now works with containers and CRI-O also. The main purpose of Kubernetes is to automate the operational tasks of container management. It is included with built-in commands for the deployment of applications and rolling out the required changes in the application. It is currently being used by companies like Google, Spotify, and capital one.

Table of Content

  • What Are Kubernetes Secrets?
  • Uses of Kubernetes Secretes
  • Using A Kubernetes Secret
  • Use Case: Dotfiles in a Kubernetes Secret Volume
  • Use case: Kubernetes Secret Visible to One Container in a Pod
  • Types Of Kubernetes Secrets
  • Ways To Create Kubernetes Secrets
  • Creating Kubernetes Secrets Using Kubectl
  • Create Kubernetes Secrets Using A Manifest File
  • Create Kubernetes Secrets Using A Generator Like Kustomize
  • Kubernetes Secrets vs Configmap
  • Kubernetes Secrets Vs Vault
  • How to Manage Kubernetes Secrets?
  • How to Use Kubernetes Secrets as Files In Containers?
  • Working With Kubernetes
  • Alternatives to Kubernetes Secrets
  • Kubernetes Secrets – FAQs

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