Creating a list of dates using pd.date_range

In this method, we will use pandas date_range to create a list of ranges of dates in Python.


import datetime
import pandas as pd
# initializing date
test_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("01-7-2022", "%d-%m-%Y")
# initializing K
K = 5
date_generated = pd.date_range(test_date, periods=K)


Index(['01-07-2022', '02-07-2022', '03-07-2022', '04-07-2022', '05-07-2022'], dtype='object')

Creating a list of range of dates in Python

Given a date, the task is to write a Python program to create a list of a range of dates with the next K dates starting from the current date.


Input : test_date = datetime.datetime(1997, 1, 4), K = 5

Output : [datetime.datetime(1997, 1, 4), datetime.datetime(1997, 1, 5), datetime.datetime(1997, 1, 6), datetime.datetime(1997, 1, 7), datetime.datetime(1997, 1, 8)]

Explanation : 5 dates after 4 January are extracted in list.

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