Creating API Keys and Adding Them

Before we can use this tool, we’ll need certain API keys. The APIs that we are currently using in this tool are listed below.

Shodan API: Create an account with Shodan and activate it. Copy the key and paste it into the file in the modules directory once you’ve logged in.

Ipstack: Create an account with Ipstack and activate it. Copy the secret API key and paste it into the file in the modules directory once you’ve logged in.

Gmap API:  Gmap requires you to create an account and activate it. After logging in, click the [+ Generate New API Key] box, copy the key, and paste it into the modules directory’s file.

Reconspider – Most Advanced Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Framework

ReconSpider can be used by information security researchers, penetration testers, bug hunters, and cybercrime detectives to gather extensive information on their target. It is the most powerful open-source intelligence (OSINT) platform for scanning IP addresses, emails, websites, and organizations to extract information from various sources.

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Creating API Keys and Adding Them

Before we can use this tool, we’ll need certain API keys. The APIs that we are currently using in this tool are listed below....


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