Creating Custom Themes For Windows Terminal

Step 1: First, users need to open the Windows Terminal. After opening, they will find a Dropdown symbol. Users need to click on the symbol to find more options. There will be some options present. Among them, users need to click on the Settings option.


Step 2: There is no typical settings window present. It is a JSON file. As per the default editor of the device, the JSON file will open. If the default editor is Notepad, then the JSON file will open in Notepad. Users need to search for the default braces in the file. All settings-related changes should be made there.

Disclaimer: Users are advised not to change any other part of the JSON file. It is advisable to only change the default. Changes to any other parts in the Settings file can create issues at the Windows Terminal. If users are confident enough about the changes that they want to make there, then only they proceed. Making changes without having any proper knowledge can create issues.


Step 3: Now, inside the default braces, users can make changes. As users can add Color Schemes there. There are a lot of Color Schemes on the internet. The Windows Terminal has the ability to gather details from the name. Users will just need to provide their names there. The changes will be done automatically. Users can use the sample text provided below. This will make changes to the Terminal.

“colorScheme”: “Dracula”,


Step 4: Now after making the above changes, if the user wants, they can add more changes to it. For example, if users want, they can also add the Tab Color also. This means the tab color will be changed from that onwards. To change the tab color, users also need to add that part to the default settings. Users can use any type of color. The same color code can be used which they use in the CSS color scheme.

“colorScheme”: “Dracula”,
“tabColor”: #282A36′


Step 5: Now, along with that, users can make changes to the thickness of the background color. Using the acrylic settings, users can change the coloring thickness of the background. Users just need to add the acrylic settings option to the default. Users can use the below-mentioned text. It will increase the transparency of the background color.

“colorScheme”: “Dracula”,
“tabColor”: #282A36′
“useAcrylic”: true’


Step 6: Now, if users want, they can change the front of the Terminal also. Users just need to provide the front name to the default settings. Users just need to write the face name in the settings. Then the face will be changed. Along with that, if users want, they can change the font size Just, they need to add the Front Size part to the default settings. Along with that, they need to mention the front side also. Then the front side will get changed. Users can use the below-written text.

“colorScheme”: “Dracula”,
“tabColor”: #282A36′
“useAcrylic”: true’
“frontFace”: “Agency FB”,
“frontSize”: 12,


Hence, we have successfully created a custom theme for Windows Terminal.

How To Create Custom Theme for Windows Terminal?

Every operating system should have some sort of place where users can execute some commands. Commands are a very important element while using any operating system. Every technique of the operating system can’t be known by all users. There might be some processes that need to be executed by the commands. For all these reasons, all operating systems have some sort of software where users can run commands. Linux has its default software known as the Terminal. macOS has a place known as the Terminal. But in the case of the Windows operating system, there are Command Prompt, Power Cell, etc. So for Windows, there are a lot of operating systems present.

But after Windows 11, the process changed. Like other operating systems, Windows also has only one terminal. It is known as the Windows Terminal. This is the common terminal where Command Prompt, Powercells, etc. all get in the same place. For Windows operating system, users need to install the Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store. But in Windows 11, there is only Windows Terminal present. So, users find it boring as it is a simple black background with no beautification. Users often need to use a custom theme in the Windows Terminal to provide it with a special look.

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Creating Custom Themes For Windows Terminal:

Step 1: First, users need to open the Windows Terminal. After opening, they will find a Dropdown symbol. Users need to click on the symbol to find more options. There will be some options present. Among them, users need to click on the Settings option....