Creating table for demonstration – BOOKS

Import necessary functions from the SQLAlchemy package. Establish connection with the PostgreSQL database using create_engine() function as shown below, create a table called books with columns book_id and book_price, genre, book_name. Insert record into the tables using insert() and values() function as shown.


# import necessary packages
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData,
Table, Column, Numeric, Integer, VARCHAR, update, text, delete
from sqlalchemy.engine import result
# establish connections
engine = create_engine(
# initialize the Metadata Object
meta = MetaData(bind=engine)
# create a table schema
books = Table(
    'books', meta,
    Column('book_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('book_price', Numeric),
    Column('genre', VARCHAR),
    Column('book_name', VARCHAR)
# insert records into the table
statement1 = books.insert().values(book_id=1,
                                   book_name='Old age')
statement2 = books.insert().values(book_id=2,
                                   book_name='Saturn rings')
statement3 = books.insert().values(book_id=3,
statement4 = books.insert().values(book_id=4,
                                   book_name='History of the world')
statement5 = books.insert().values(book_id=5,
                                   book_name='Sun city')
# execute the insert records statement
# Get the `books` table from the Metadata object
BOOKS = meta.tables['books']


Sample table – BOOKS

SQLAlchemy Core – Multiple Table Delete

In this article, we are going to see how to perform multiple-table DELETE in SQLAlchemy against a PostgreSQL database in Python.

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