Creating test case in JUnit 5

  • To create a Junit Test case file, right click on the src folder and go to New -> Junit Test Case.

creating junit test case

  • Once clicked that, a new dialog box will be displayed to enter the test case class details.
  • Enter the Test class name.
  • Enter the Utilities class name under the `class under test` textbox, the name should be along with the package name.
  • Click on next.

configuring test class

  • Now you need to select the methods you are going to test.
  • I have selected the two static methods of the class.

selecting methods

  • Now add the below content to the test class.
  • The below content, uses the basic @Test annotation to denote a method as a Junit Test case.
  • In Junit 5 we don’t have to make our methods and class as public, so by default its just has the default scope to the current package.


// sample test package
package com.example.test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import com.example.utils.Utilities;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
// A JUnit Test class to test
// Utilities Class
class UtilitiesTest {
    // test 1 for checking the static isPrime method
    // from Utilities class
    // Test annotations are being used to create JUnit tests
    void testIsPrime1(){
    // test 2 to check the isprime method
    void testIsPrime2(){
    // test 1 to check the static isEven method
    // from Utilities class
    void testIsEven1(){
    // test 2 to check the isEven method
    void testIsEven2(){

  • Save and close the Test class file.
  • Let’s see how we can run the Junit5 test and see the output.

JUnit 5 – Execute Test in Eclipse

JUnit is one of the widely used unit testing frameworks for Java-based Applications. We have different versions and upgrades published by JUnit 5, the latest version available in JUnit is JUnit 5. JUnit 5 is the upgraded version of JUnit 4, which is launched to support various latest features of Java like lambda expressions, etc. So, if you want to use JUnit 5 in your testing make sure that you are running a modern version of Java where Java 8 is the minimum version it can be.


  • Junit- Knowledge of Junit is required, as in this article we will be seeing how to execute the Junit test in Eclipse, not how to use Junit.
  • Eclipse IDE- You should have installed Eclipse in your system, if not you can easily do it by visiting the Link.

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Creating test case in JUnit 5


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To create a Junit Test case file, right click on the src folder and go to New -> Junit Test Case....