Criticism Faced by John Rawls Theory of Justice

John Rawls’ Theory of Justice has drawn a lot of criticism from other philosophers and book critics since publications. Many philosophers who support the notion of rigorous equality attacked the book by arguing that, in John Rawls’ view, some disparities that are allowed are wrong, even if they do aid the most disadvantaged people of society. Additionally, they contended that Rawls’ book’s discussion of the equilibrium of a well-structured society is unsettled by this method of tolerating some disparities. Finally, philosophers attacked the book for not presenting maximum utility because Rawls relied heavily on utilitarianism as the foundational theory against which to compare his own theory. They objected to how the Difference Principle was portrayed.

John Rawls Theory of Justice Class 11 Polity Notes

Around the world, political discourse and policymaking are influenced by Rawls’ theory, which is still much researched and disputed. Rawls’ theories have greatly benefited political philosophy, especially in distributive and social justice. His theory offers a foundation for a good society built on equality and fairness.

The article explores American philosopher John Rawls’ foundational work and his notion of justice. This article provides context for understanding how Rawls builds a model of justice that attempts to alleviate societal disparities by examining his concepts of the original position and the veil of ignorance.

John Rawls Theory of Justice Class 11 Polity Notes

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Criticism Faced by John Rawls Theory of Justice

John Rawls’ Theory of Justice has drawn a lot of criticism from other philosophers and book critics since publications. Many philosophers who support the notion of rigorous equality attacked the book by arguing that, in John Rawls’ view, some disparities that are allowed are wrong, even if they do aid the most disadvantaged people of society. Additionally, they contended that Rawls’ book’s discussion of the equilibrium of a well-structured society is unsettled by this method of tolerating some disparities. Finally, philosophers attacked the book for not presenting maximum utility because Rawls relied heavily on utilitarianism as the foundational theory against which to compare his own theory. They objected to how the Difference Principle was portrayed....


In conclusion, John Rawls’ Theory of Justice is still a major contribution to political philosophy and has a global impact on debate and policymaking. Today, Rawls’s emphasis on striking a balance between liberty and equality in order to build a just society is still very significant. His idea of justice as fairness, combined with ideas like protecting the weak and treating everyone equally, offers a strong foundation for advancing social justice and equity. Rawls’s work has unquestionably made a substantial contribution to the understanding and improvement of conceptions of justice, even in spite of criticism from some sections. In light of the enduring inequalities and obstacles that society faces, Rawls’s ideas provide insightful guidance on building a more just and equitable society....

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