CSS border-width property Use caese

The border-width property in CSS specifies the width of a border around an element’s content area, padding area, and border.

To specify no border in CSS, set the border-width property to “0” or “none”, or use the shorthand border: none;.

To set the width of the bottom border in CSS, use the border-bottom-width property followed by the desired width value.

CSS border-width property Supported Browsers:

The browser supported by border-width property are listed below: 

  • Google Chrome 1.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Firefox 1.0
  • Internet Explorer 4.0
  • Apple Safari 1.0
  • Opera 3.5

CSS border-width Property

CSS border-width property sets the width of the border of an element. It can be specified individually for each side (top, right, bottom, left) or all sides collectively.

Default Value: medium 

CSS border-width property Syntax: 

border-width: length|thin|medium|thick|initial|inherit

CSS border-width Property values:  

  • length: It is used to set the width of the border. It does not take a negative value.
  • thin: It is used to set the thin border at the top of the element.
  • medium: It is used to set a medium-sized top border. It is the default value.
  • thick: It is used to set the thick top border.
  • initial: It is used to set the border-top-width to its default value.
  • inherit: This property is inherited from its parent.

CSS border-width property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:

CSS border-width property Example:

Here we set border-width to a single value to all sides. here CSS border-width property sets border thickness.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        border-width property
        div {
            margin-bottom: 10px;
            border-style: solid;
    <h1 style="color: green">
    <p>border-width property: [value]</p>
    <!-- This div has a uniform border
        of 10px around it. -->
    <div style="border-width: 10px">
        This div has a border around it of 10px.
    <!-- This div has a uniform thin
        border around it. -->
    <div style="border-width: thin">
        This div has a thin border.
    <!-- This div has a uniform medium
        border around it. -->
    <div style="border-width: medium">
        This div has a medium border.
    <!-- This div has a uniform thick
        border around it. -->
    <div style="border-width: thick">
        This div has a thick border.
    <div style="border-width: initial">
        border-width property: initial
        This div has the default border width,
        which is the medium border.
    <div id="parent" style="border-width: thin">
        This is the parent div.
        <!-- This div inherits the border width
            from the parent div. -->
        <div style="border-width: inherit; margin: 8px;">
            This div inherits the border width
            from the parent.


CSS border-width property example output

CSS border-width property Example Explanation:

Here is the implementation explanantion of above code example.

  • Here we are using boder-width property to target our given divs.
  • The first <div> has a border that is 10 pixels thick all around.
  • The 2nd <div> has a medium-thickness border around it.
  • The fourth <div> has a thick border around it.
  • The 5th <div> we setting border-width to initial reverts <div> border to default medium width.
  • The 6th <div> the Parent <div> sets border width to thin, child <div> inherits, adopting same border width.

CSS border-width:val1 val2;  property Example :

In This example we are using CSS border-width property which contains two values of border-width. like border-width: val1 val2;  


<!DOCTYPE html>
        border-width property
        div {
            margin-bottom: 10px;
            border-style: solid;
    <h1 style="color: green">
    <p>border-width property: [value] [value]</p>
    <!-- This div has a 5px border on the top and
        bottom, and 30px on the left and right. -->
    <div style="border-width: 5px 30px">
        This div has a border of 5px on the top and
        bottom, and 30px on the left and right.
    <!-- This div has a thin border on the top and
        bottom, and thick on the left and right. -->
    <div style="border-width: thin thick">
        This div has a thin border on the top and bottom,
        and thick border on the left and right.


CSS border-width: val1 val2; property Example Explanation:

Here is the implementation explanantion of above code example.:

  • Here we are using border-width property with two values.
  • The first <div> has a 5px border on its top and bottom, and a 30px border on its left and right sides.
  • The second <div> showcases thin borders on its top and bottom, and thick borders on its left and right sides.

CSS border-width: val1 val2 val3; property Example :

The border-width property with three values sets the width for top, right/left, and bottom borders respectively, targeting each side individually. like border-width: val1 val2 val3;  


<!DOCTYPE html>
        border-width property
        div {
            margin-bottom: 10px;
            border-style: solid;
    <h1 style="color: green">w3wiki</h1>
        border-width property: [value] [value] [value]
    <!-- This div has a 5px border on the top, 30px 
        on the left and right, and 15px on the bottom. -->
    <div style="border-width: 5px 30px 15px">
        This div has a 5px border on the top, 30px on
        the left and right, and 15px on the bottom.
    <!-- This div has a thin border on the top, a thick 
        border on the left and right,and a medium border
        on the bottom. -->
    <div style="border-width: thin thick medium">
        This div has a thin border on the top, a thick
        border on the left and right, and a medium
        border on the bottom.


CSS border-width: val1 val2 val3; property Example Explanation:

Here is the implementation explanation of the above example.

  • Here we are using border-width property with 3 values sets the width for top, right/left, and bottom borders respectively,
  • 1. First <div> 5px border on top, 30px on sides, 15px on bottom.
  • 2. Second <div> Thin top, thick sides, medium bottom border.

CSS border-width property Example using 4 values :

In This example we are using CSS border-width property which contains four value to border-width property. like border-width: val1 val2 val3 val4;   here we targets the top, right, bottom, and left sides of an element, respectively. Each value corresponds to one side’s width.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        border-width property
        div {
            margin-bottom: 10px;
            border-style: solid;
    <h1 style="color: green">
        border-width property:
        [value] [value] [value] [value]
    <!-- This div has a border of 5px on the top,
        30px on the right, 15px on the bottom, and 
        2px on the left. -->
    <div style="border-width: 5px 30px 15px 2px">
        This div has a border of 5px on the top,
        30px on the right, 15px on the bottom,
        and 2px on the left.
    <!-- This div has a thin border on the top,
        thick border on right, medium border on the
        bottom, and thin border on the left. -->
    <div style="border-width: thin thick medium thin">
        This div has a thin border on the top, thick
        border on right, medium border on the bottom,
        and thin border on the left.


CSS border-width:val1 val2 val3 val4; property example explanation:

  • In this example we are using 4 values to target each side of given div.
  • The first <div> features a 5px top border, 30px right border, 15px bottom border, and 2px left border.
  • The second <div> displays a thin top border, thick right border, medium bottom border, and thin left border.

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CSS border-width property Use caese:
