Cube Root of Non-Perfect Cubes

Non perfect cubes are number whose cube root is not an integer. A table added below shows the cube root of non-perfect cubes.

Number Approximate Cube Root (3√)
2 1.260
3 1.442
4 1.587
5 1.710
6 1.817
7 1.913
9 2.080
10 2.154

Cube Root of 2

Cube root of 2 is 1.259921… In the radical form, cube root of two is represented as ∛2, and in the exponent form, as (2)1/3. Cube root of any number is defined as a number which when multiplied by itself twice results in the original number. So cube root of 2 is a number which when multiplied by itself twice results in 2.

Cube Root of 2

In this article, we will learn to find the cube root of 2 with various methods and others in detail.

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Cube Root of Non-Perfect Cubes

Non perfect cubes are number whose cube root is not an integer. A table added below shows the cube root of non-perfect cubes....

Examples on Cube Root of 2

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Cube Root of 2: FAQs

What is value of cube root of 2?...