Current Development of City Gas Distribution Networks

  • Recently Government has decided to reduce the gas supply to the power sector to increase city’s gas distribution network. The decision may affect 10 power plants of 8000 MW capacity and some fertilizer units.
  • Singapore-based gas distribution company AG&P Pratham has decided to invest around Rs 18,000 crore in city gas distribution (CGD) over the next eight years.
  • Code ASME B13. 8 covers all the safety aspects and distribution procedures for gas transportation through the pipeline. The design, inspection, installation, and testing of gas pipelines are covered in this code.

City Gas Distribution Network of India

City Gas Distribution (CGD) means any company that distributes natural gas through a pipeline to commercial, domestic, CNG consumer or industries. As the world is moving towards development, it is needed to save our natural resources and environment. In that case,   the role of natural gas in being clean and environmentally friendly is proliferating. City Gas Distribution (CGD) network passes through densely populated areas to reach a maximum number of customers. Although transporting natural gas through pipelines is reasonably safe.  

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Background of City Gas Distribution:

In 1834, first time in India, gas was used as fuel for domestic lighting in Bombay by A.C.Wadia. In 1857, in Kolkata, during Sepoy Mutiny, coal gas distribution had started by Oriental Gas Company LTD. In 1962 Assam Gas Company LTD started to supply natural gas for commercial purposes. In 1971, Vadodara become the first city in India where gas supply started for domestic purposes. In the year 2002, honorable Supreme Court Judge Sri. M.C.Mehta stated to the central government to start the CGD project in India’s 16 most polluted cities....

Importance of City Gas Distribution:

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Advantages of City Gas Distribution Network:

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Disadvantages of City Gas Distribution Network:

Although it is lighter than air and can spread quickly, significant damage can occur. It is very difficult to detect a leak if it begins to leak because of its colorless, odorless, and tasteless nature.   Natural gas is lighter than air, yet no one can deny that it is highly flammable.  We don’t have huge reserves of natural gas. Most of the natural gas used by us has to be bought from other countries Such as Russia, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. Such continuous purchases can become a rather expensive proposition over time. Though its volume is four times higher than that of petrol, it is more expensive to store and needs to be spent more money on additional storage....

Challenges of City Gas Distribution Network:

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Regulatory Board for City Gas Distribution:

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Current Development of City Gas Distribution Networks:

Recently Government has decided to reduce the gas supply to the power sector to increase city’s gas distribution network. The decision may affect 10 power plants of 8000 MW capacity and some fertilizer units. Singapore-based gas distribution company AG&P Pratham has decided to invest around Rs 18,000 crore in city gas distribution (CGD) over the next eight years. Code ASME B13. 8 covers all the safety aspects and distribution procedures for gas transportation through the pipeline. The design, inspection, installation, and testing of gas pipelines are covered in this code....