Custom _id Values

While MongoDB automatically generates ObjectId values for the _id field if one is not provided, we can also specify custom _id values during document insertion. This allows us to use other data types such as strings, integers, or even other objects as _id values.

Example of Specifying a Custom _id

db.users.insertOne({ _id: "user123", name: "John Doe", age: 30 })

In this example, we’re inserting a new document into the users collection with a custom _id value of “user123”.


{ "_id" : "user123", "name" : "John Doe", "age" : 30 }

How is id Generated in MongoDB

In MongoDB, each document stored in a collection is uniquely identified by a field called _id. This _id field serves as the primary key for the document and is important for ensuring document uniqueness and efficient retrieval. But have you ever wondered how these _id values are generated in MongoDB?

In this article, we’ll explore the Complexities of MongoDB ID generation by covering concepts, and examples to provide a comprehensive understanding.

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Overall, Understanding how _id values are generated in MongoDB is essential for effectively managing and querying documents within collections. By default, MongoDB uses ObjectId values to uniquely identify documents, but you can also specify custom _id values to meet specific requirements. In this article, we explored the process of _id generation in MongoDB, covering concepts, examples, and outputs to provide beginners with a comprehensive understanding of this fundamental aspect of MongoDB document management. As you continue to work with MongoDB, mastering the generation and usage of _id values will empower you to build robust and efficient database solutions....