Customizing the New Order Template

In the “New Order” template you customize the Recipients, Subject, Email Header, and Addition content and you can also add the email type as HTML, plain text, or multipart.


After adding all the changes click on the “Save Changes” button to save the changes.


You can also click on the “View Template” to see the HTML template.

After clicking on the View Template button it will show you the coding of the email template.

By following the same process as above you can edit the templates such as the canceled order, Failed Order, Order On-Hold, Processing Order, Completed Order, Refunded Order, Customer Invoice, Customer Note, Reset Password, and New Account.
This is one of the easiest and best methods for editing email templates for your WooCommerce online stores.

This is how you can fully customize your email templates without installing any plugins or changing any code to your WordPress website. 

How to Customize WooCommerce Email Templates?

WooCommerce emails are the backbone of communication with your customers. But generic emails can feel impersonal. Customization injects your brand voice, builds trust, and keeps customers engaged.

WooCommerce is an open-source plugin designed for businesses using WordPress to create their website. It simplifies online store management and offers features such as inventory, taxation, and shipping management. It’s user-friendly, easy to install, and highly customizable.

WooCommerce Email Templates:

WooCommerce templates are the emails that are automatically sent to every customer who signs up for your WooCommerce store. These email templates can be customized to fit your brand and marketing needs, which can help build trust with your customers. Since emails are the primary medium for communication between online stores and customers, having a well-designed email template is crucial for gaining customer trust and achieving good business conversions.

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