Daily Average Intake of Vitamins

The preferred average intake of the vitamins is listed below;


Common Name

Scientific Name

Daily Average Intake


Vitamin A


Males = 900 mcg/day

Females  = 700 mcg/day


Vitamin B1


Males = 1.2 mg/day

Females = 1.1 mg/day

Pregnant or Lactating females = 1.4 mg/day


Vitamin B2


Male = 1.3 mg/day

Females = 1.1 mg/day

Pregnant female = 1.4 mg/day

Lactating female = 1.6 mg/day


Vitamin B3


Adult = 500 to 2000 mg/day


Vitamin B5

Pantothenic acid

Adult = 5 mg/day

Pregnant female = 6 mg/day

Lactating female = 7 mg/day


Vitamin B6


Males = 1.3 to 1.7 mg/day

Females = 1.3 to 1.5 mg/day

Pregnant Females = 1.9 mg/day

Lactating Females = 2 mg/day


Vitamin B7


Adults = 30 mcg/day

Lactating Female = 35 mcg/day


Vitamin B9

Folic acid

Adults = 400 to 800 mcg/day

Pregnant female = 800 mcg/day


Vitamin B12


Adults = 2.4 mcg/day

Pregnant female = 2.6 mcg/day

Lactating female = 2.8 mcg/ day


Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid

Males =  90 mg/day

Females = 75 mg/day

Lactating and pregnant female = 85 mg/day


Vitamin D


Adults = 15 mcg/day


Vitamin E


Adults = 1000 mg/day


Vitamin K


Males = 120 mcg/day

Females = 90 mcg/day

Scientific Name of Vitamins and Their Sources

Scientific Name of Vitamins and Their Sources: Scientific names are given to vitamins similar to what is given to plants and animals. These names were given based on the chemical properties, physical proteins, and biochemical nature of the vitamins. The term “vitamine” was given in 1912 by Dr. Casimir Funk and was changed to “vitamin” by Jack Cecil Drummond in the year 1920.

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