Data Analysis

Total of 3 datasets were provided on the Google Collab platform and we were asked to answer 13 MCQs present on their platform. Tab switching between these two tabs is allowed. Applying various required operations using Python, we have to choose the correct option from MCQ.

After all these rounds, shortlisted candidates received a phone call from Turing. This was a telephonic Technical + HR interview round. Interviewer asked me few python questions and some HR discussions. He also asked me to rate myself in the particular tech stack.

You have to be proficient in the problem solving and python programming for acing it like a pro!!!

Turing Interview Experience

Turing visited our college for interns and full-time hiring collaborating with some other colleges in Pune.
Turing guides companies in integrating generative AI into their business with application development, LLM training and data enhancement, and on-demand talent.

Turing promotes remote work location.
Hiring was for 2 roles:

1. Software Engineer
2. Data Analyst

The hiring process includes (ALL ARE ELIMINATORY ROUNDS):

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