Data Flow Architecture Diagram

Data flow architecture diagrams in ecommerce architecture show how data flows through the ecommerce system.The most important aspect is that what type of data is being sent and by which feature of entity or system.

Main Objective of this Architecture:

To get the data sources, data flows, data transformation and data destinations.


Scenario: Imagine you have a system where people can subscribe to a newsletter on a website by making payment through a payment system. When someone signs up, you want that information to go to another system like CRM & POS etc, that keeps track of customer relationships.

In this diagram, the CRM system is the central hub for storing and managing customer data. The API manager and batch jobs are two ways to connect the CRM system to other systems, such as the newsletter subscription system. Web services are used to connect the newsletter subscription system to the API manager. This allows the API manager to send and receive data from the newsletter subscription system in real time.

3 Essentials for E-commerce Architecture

Building a top-notch e-commerce store requires speed optimization, having the best Content Delivery Network (CDN), the best databases and servers according to requirements, etc. These factors should be the priority in an online e-commerce business but they may not result in the growth of the online e-commerce store in the long run. So a solid e-commerce architecture is required in the long run to achieve growth.

Important Topics for E-commerce Architecture

  • Enterprise Architecture Diagram
  • Data Flow Architecture Diagram
  • Enterprise Middleware Usage Architecture Diagram

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