Data Lineage Use Cases

Data Traceability: The data lineage relationship reflects the ins and outs of the data, which can help us track the source of the data and track the data processing process. When data is abnormal, it is necessary to trace the cause of the abnormality and control the risk to an appropriate level.

Especially with the development of enterprises, there are many data sources and different levels of quality, which will inevitably lead to an impact on the data results. Therefore, the ability of data traceability is very valuable.

Impact Analysis: With more and more data applications, the data flow chain is getting longer and longer. For changes in the core business of a source, downstream analysis applications must be kept in sync. Without impact analysis, abnormal access will be caused to each data service. This is often a core requirement of the development sector to facilitate impact assessments.

Data Value: How to measure the value of data is a very difficult problem. To evaluate the value of data, you need a basis. The data lineage provides reference data in several aspects to facilitate evaluation. Data audience: The more data demanders, the greater the data value.

Update frequency: The more frequent the update, the greater the value of the data.

Quality Assessment: This is the requirement of data analysis applications, and it is necessary to control the quality of the final result data. When data problems are found, it is necessary to further trace the data source, analyze the causes of quality problems, and then solve them. From the data lineage diagram, the data processing process can be easily obtained, and then the possible quality problems can be analyzed.

The Life Cycle: Through the data lineage, the entire life cycle of the data can be intuitively obtained. For less valuable data, consider tiering, archiving, or even destruction.

Compliance Requirements: This is often the need of upper management. For regulatory compliance, all points and sources of data flow are the key points that need to be regulated. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between data is required.

Everything You Need to Know About Data Lineage

What is data lineage? What are the characteristics of data lineage? What are the uses of data lineage? What are the methods of data lineage collection? If you are looking for answers to the above questions, you have come to the right place.

In this article, we will go into detail about everything you need to know about data lineage.

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