Date modification with Power Query


The number of days between the specified date and the current date is determined when you choose the Age option and choose a date column. Next, you must swap out the current date for the one in the second date column.

Step 1: Select the date column. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select Age.


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, the Date value is transformed into the AgeFromDateTime based time format: Days.Hours:Minutes: Seconds or 2923.11:48:53.3504693.


Date Only

When you choose the Date Only option and choose a date column, the time is removed from the display and only the date is displayed. It creates a new column with the date name and shows only the date.

Step 1: Select the date column. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select Date Only. 


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, the Date value is transformed into the Date-based format: Date or 12-01-2015.



When you choose the Year option while selecting a date column, just the year is displayed and the date and time are not displayed. It adds a new column with the name of the year and displays only the year. There are several choices available: year, the start of the year, and the end of the year.

Step 1: Select the date column. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select Year.


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, the Date value is transformed into the Year: Year or 2015.



When you choose the month option while selecting a date column, just the month is displayed and the date and time are not displayed. It adds a new column with the name of the year and displays only the year. There are several choices available: month, the start of the month, the end of the month, the days in the month, and the name of the month.

Step 1: Select the date column. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select the Month option here we are choosing Days in a month.


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, the Date value is transformed into the Days in Month: Days in every month or 31/30.



When you choose the Quarter option while selecting a date column, just the Quarter is displayed. It adds a new column with the name of the quarter and displays only the quarter. There are several choices available: a quarter of the year, the Start of the quarter, and the End of the quarter.

Step 1: Select the date column. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select the Quarter option here we are choosing Quarter of Year.


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, the Date value is transformed into the Quarter of the year: Quarter or 1.



When you choose the week option while selecting a date column, just the week is displayed. It adds a new column with the name of the week and displays only the week. There are several choices available: The week of the year, the week of the month, the start of the week, and the end of the week.

Step 1: Select the date column. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select the Week option here we are choosing Week of year.


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, the Date value is transformed into the Week of the Year: Week or 3.



When you choose the day option while selecting a date column, then just the day is displayed. It adds a new column with the name of the day and displays only the day. There are several choices available: day, day of the week, day of the year, the start of the day, end of the day, and name of the day. 

Step 1: Select the date column. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select the Day option here we are choosing Name of Day.


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, the Date value is transformed into the Name of the Day: Day Name or Monday/Tuesday.



When you choose the Parse option and choose a date column, the time is removed from the display and only the date is displayed. It creates a new column with the Parse name and shows only the date.

Step 1: First you need to convert the date to text then the parse function will get active.


Step 2: Then select the date column. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select the Parse.


Step 3: Now as you can see with this command, the Date value is transformed into the Parse: Parse or 12-01-2015.


Subtract Days

When you choose the Subtract Days option and choose both date columns, then it subtracts both columns. It creates a new column with the subtraction name and shows the result of the subtraction.

Step 1: First select the two columns. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select the Subtract Days.


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, subtract the two dates: Subtract Days or -169.


Combine Date and Time

When you choose the Combine Date and Time option and choose both date and time columns, then it combines both columns. It creates a new column with the merged name and shows the result of the combination.

Step 1: First select the two columns. Navigate to the add column tab on the top of the ribbon and then go to the Date and select the Combine Date and Time.


Step 2: Now as you can see with this command, Combines the date and time column: Combine Date and Time or 12-01-2015 12:02:12.


Earliest and Latest Days

Searches for the earliest or latest day. Since there is only one value as a result, it is useless for New Column and only useful for Transform.

Date Modifications with Power Query in Excel

A data preparation and transformation engine is Power Query. Power Query includes a Power Query Editor for implementing transformations as well as a graphical interface for obtaining data from sources. With Power Query (also referred to as Get & Transform in Excel), you may import or connect to external data and then modify that data to match your needs, for instance, by combining tables, altering the data type, or eliminating a column. When you’re ready to produce charts and reports, load your query into Excel. You may periodically update the data by refreshing it.

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