Declaring Variables in MATLAB

Declaring Variables in MATLAB is fairly simple. We just need to write a valid name for the variable followed by an equal sign (‘=’). The naming of variables is discussed further in this article. In MATLAB, we need not explicitly mention the type of variable while declaring it,

a=7                                %declares an integer variable and assigns it the value 7

b=9.81                            %declares a float (decimal) variable and assigns it the value 9.81

c = [1,2,3]                       %declares an array and assigns it the values 1, 2 and 3

d=a = [1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]  %declares a 2-D array and assigns it the values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and9


Writing code in the MATLAB environment is quite simple. We do not need to include any libraries/header files, we can directly start writing commands in the command window of the Editor. Usually, we write small and easily executable programs in the Command Window and larger programs with multiple lines and functions in the Editor.

Now, we will see the syntax of a MATLAB program. Let us begin with the very basic code to display ‘Hello World’ as the output in the command window:



% A MATLAB program illustrate
% disp function
disp("Hello World")

Here, disp() is a function used to display the desired value as the output.


Likewise, we can perform any basic operation in the command window. Let’s have a look at a few of them. 

Example :


% Adding two numbers in the
% MATLAB Command Window
15 + 25

Output : 

In the above output, ‘ans’ is a default variable in MATLAB that stores the value of the most recent output. This variable is only created when output is generated without any specific argument to it. 



% MATLAB code for multiplying two numbers
% in MATLAB Command Window
20 * 5

Output : 

Thus, we can perform various mathematical operations in the MATLAB command window.  The following table summarizes the various operations along with their syntax that can be performed in MATLAB:

Sr. No. Operator Operation Sample Input Sample Output
1. + Addition  20 + 30 50
2. Subtraction 20 – 30 -10
3. * Multiplication 20 × 30 600
4. ^ Exponentiation 2 ^ 3 8
5. \ Left-division operator. 10\5 0.5000
6. / Right-division operator. 10/5 2

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