Deep Merge Two Objects Using Recursive Function

This approach involves recursively traversing the objects and merging their properties. When encountering nested objects, the function calls itself to perform a deep merge.


function deepMerge<T>(target: T, ...sources: Partial<T>[]): T {
// Implementation

Example: Recursive Function Approach

In this example, we have two objects obj1 and obj2 with nested properties. We use a recursive function deepMerge to merge these objects deeply.

function isObject(item: any) {
    return (item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item));

function deepMerge(target: any, ...sources: any[]): any {
    if (!sources.length) return target;
    const source = sources.shift();

    if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) {
        for (const key in source) {
            if (isObject(source[key])) {
                if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} });
                deepMerge(target[key], source[key]);
            } else {
                Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] });
    return deepMerge(target, ...sources);

// Driver code
const obj1 = { a: { b: 1 } };
const obj2 = { a: { c: 2 } };

const merged = deepMerge({}, obj1, obj2);

console.log(merged); // Output: { a: { b: 1, c: 2 } }


{ a: { b: 1, c: 2 } }

How to Deep Merge Two Objects in TypeScript ?

Merging two objects in TypeScript is a common task, but when dealing with complex nested structures, a deep merge becomes necessary. A deep merge combines the properties of two or more objects, including nested objects, creating a new object with merged values. In this article, we will explore various approaches to deep merging objects in TypeScript, along with their syntax and examples.

Table of Content

  • Deep Merge Two Objects Using Recursive Function
  • Deep Merge Two Objects using Spread Operator
  • Deep Merge Two Objects using Libraries like Lodash
  • Using ES6 Maps for Tracking and Merging

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