Deep Shower Thoughts

61. The people who need to be loved the most are often very hard to love.

62. A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone that knows you.

63. Someone out there vividly remembers something you said that you have completely forgotten.

64. I wonder if there are any time combinations on the clock that I’ve never seen.

65. You see people every single day that you’ll never see again.

66. It’s likely that over 99% of the trees that you look at will be still here when you’re dead.

67. We go to work by car each day, taking the same route, but almost never encounter the same cars along the way.

68. Having a toddler in their “Why?” phase makes you realize how much you know and don’t know about things.

69. Every word in every language started out as gibberish until one person convinced enough people that what they said was a real word. 

70. There are half a million different occupations in the world, yet we pick our careers based on studying 10-15 subjects by age 18-21.

71. You may have once made a decision that saved your life without knowing it. 

72. In every Olympic event, they should have an average person compete so we can have a point of reference and appreciate the athletes more.

73. Kids are bullied for being different while adults are praised for being different. 

74. If money is at the root of all evil, then why do churches ask for it?

75. People cover their laptop cameras for fear of hackers, but never their phone cameras.

76. Therapists talk you into brainwashing yourself.

77. One day, you’ll be someone’s ancestor. 

78. We talk about Ancient Romans like they were basically all the same, but the civilization lasted almost 1000 years. That’s like saying people in 2023 and 1023 are basically the same.

79. On any given day in a hospital, you can find people having the best day of their life, the worst day of their life, the first day of their life, and the last day of their life all under one roof. 

80. The number of people older than you never goes up.

100+ Shower Thoughts (Deep, Random and Mind-Blowing Thoughts)

Shower Thoughts: Shower thoughts are those unique, quick ideas and realizations that pop into our heads while we’re engaged in the simple, routine task of taking a shower. It’s a time when our minds wander freely, undisturbed from the demands of the outside world, leading to bursts of creativity, profound insights, or even hilarious observations about life.

In this article, we will explore why these moments of ambition are more than just random ideas. From the science behind why our best ideas often come to us in the shower to a collection of some of the most entertaining and thought-provoking shower thoughts shared across the internet, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re looking for a light-hearted read or some inspiration for your next big idea, you’re in the right place.

Table of Content

  • Best Shower Thoughts
  • Funny Shower Thoughts
  • Deep Shower Thoughts
  • Random Shower Thoughts

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