Default Value

  • The default value for the box-sizing property is often considered to be content-box.
  • However, note that the default behavior can vary among different browsers.

What is the default value for the box-sizing Property?

The box-sizing Property in CSS is used to control how the total width and height of an element are calculated, including its content, padding, and border. The default value box-sizing can vary depending on the browser.

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Default Value:

The default value for the box-sizing property is often considered to be content-box. However, note that the default behavior can vary among different browsers....


/* Explicitly setting box-sizing to content-box */.element { box-sizing: content-box;}...


content-box: This is often considered the default value. It calculates the total width and height of an element by considering only the content, excluding padding and border. Cross-Browser Considerations: While content-box is commonly considered the default, some browsers may have a different default behavior. border-box as an Alternative: Using box-sizing: border-box; is an alternative approach, which includes padding and border in the total dimensions of the element....