Defining hooks in JavaScript

Before React 16.8, developers relied on class components to address state and other functionalities. With the introduction of Hooks in version 16.8, a new paradigm emerged. React Hooks enable the segregation of stateful logic and side effects from functional components, allowing JavaScript functions, known as hooks, to govern the behavior and impacts of state independently. Once stateful logic is isolated, it can be seamlessly integrated into components. Stateful logic encompasses anything related to defining and managing a local state variable.

How to define JavaScript Hooks ?

Hooks are nothing but functions, that you can use to disassociate the components that can be reused from the functional components. React state and lifecycle properties can be “hooked onto” from function component code via hooks. Hooks enable you to use React without classes considering they don’t operate within classes.

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Defining hooks in JavaScript:

Before React 16.8, developers relied on class components to address state and other functionalities. With the introduction of Hooks in version 16.8, a new paradigm emerged. React Hooks enable the segregation of stateful logic and side effects from functional components, allowing JavaScript functions, known as hooks, to govern the behavior and impacts of state independently. Once stateful logic is isolated, it can be seamlessly integrated into components. Stateful logic encompasses anything related to defining and managing a local state variable....

Approaches or rules on how to create a Hook:

It is recommended to use Hooks only at the highest level. There is no need to call Hooks within loops, conditions, or nested functions. React function components are used to call Hooks. Regular JavaScript functions can’t be used to call Hooks....