Delete Operation

Delete operation refers to the removal of an object property. It can be done as follows:

  • Using Delete operator: Delete keyword is used to remove the object property mentioned after it.
  • Using Destructuring Assignment: It refers to the JavaScript syntax for unpacking the object values and assigning them to other variables.


delete obj.propety  or  delete obj['property']        // Using delete operator
const {property1, newObj} = oldObj; // Using destructuring

Example: This example describes the deletion of the Object & its associated properties & values.


const obj = {
    name: 'xyz',
    age: 52,
    city: 'delhi'
// Display original object
console.log("Original object: ", obj);
// Using destructuring
const { age, ...newObj } = obj;
console.log("New object without age attribute: ", newObj);
// Using delete operator
console.log("Original object after deleting city: ", obj);


Original object:  { name: 'xyz', age: 52, city: 'delhi' }
New object without age attribute:  { name: 'xyz', city: 'delhi' }
Original object after deleting city:  { name: 'xyz', age: 52 }

How to Perform CRUD Operations on JavaScript Object ?

This article will demonstrate the CRUD Operations on a JavaScript Object. The operations are Create, Read, Update, and Delete. With these operations, we can create, take input, manipulate & destroy the objects.

JavaScript Objects are a collection of keys, values or properties/attributes, and entries. The values can be any data type as well as JavaScript functions, arrays, etc.


// Creating an Object
const rectangle = {
length: 25,
width: 20,
area: function(){
return this.length*this.width;

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Delete Operation
