Deleting Azure Database Through Transact-SQL

Step: 1 Go to the Database Engine under connect.

Step: 2 In the Standard bar, click on the New Query.

Step: 3 Copy and paste the database name into the query window, as in the given example below:

USE master ;  
DROP DATABASE Sales, NewSales ;

Step: 4 then, select Execute.

Conclusion: Deleting databases in Azure SQL is a crucial skill when working with cloud-based data. it is helpful in the process of optimization of data storage, security, and overall performance. Here in this article, we have talked about some basic methods of deleting databases in Azure SQL, such as the Azure portal, of Transact-SQL. Although, this step is essential for optimization and overall performance, however, it still needs careful planning and execution. Therefore, a backup is highly recommended before deleting any database.  

Microsoft Azure – Delete Databases in AzureSQL

Azure SQL Database enables users to build apps more quickly by providing a fully managed SQL database system in which users may install advanced query processing features like high-performance in-memory technologies and intelligent query processing based on their needs. It is also able to work with data in a variety of formats, including relational, graph, JSON, and spatial data.

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