Deletion in B+Trees

Deletion in B+ Trees is just not deletion but it is a combined process of Searching, Deletion, and Balancing. In the last step of the Deletion Process, it is mandatory to balance the B+ Trees, otherwise, it fails in the property of B+ Trees.

For more, refer to Deletion in B+ Trees.

Introduction of B+ Tree

B + Tree is a variation of the B-tree data structure. In a B + tree, data pointers are stored only at the leaf nodes of the tree. In a B+ tree structure of a leaf node differs from the structure of internal nodes. The leaf nodes have an entry for every value of the search field, along with a data pointer to the record (or to the block that contains this record). The leaf nodes of the B+ tree are linked together to provide ordered access to the search field to the records. Internal nodes of a B+ tree are used to guide the search. Some search field values from the leaf nodes are repeated in the internal nodes of the B+ tree.

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Features of B+ Trees

Balanced: B+ Trees are self-balancing, which means that as data is added or removed from the tree, it automatically adjusts itself to maintain a balanced structure. This ensures that the search time remains relatively constant, regardless of the size of the tree. Multi-level: B+ Trees are multi-level data structures, with a root node at the top and one or more levels of internal nodes below it. The leaf nodes at the bottom level contain the actual data. Ordered: B+ Trees maintain the order of the keys in the tree, which makes it easy to perform range queries and other operations that require sorted data. Fan-out: B+ Trees have a high fan-out, which means that each node can have many child nodes. This reduces the height of the tree and increases the efficiency of searching and indexing operations. Cache-friendly: B+ Trees are designed to be cache-friendly, which means that they can take advantage of the caching mechanisms in modern computer architectures to improve performance. Disk-oriented: B+ Trees are often used for disk-based storage systems because they are efficient at storing and retrieving data from disk....

Why Use B+ Tree?

B+ Trees are the best choice for storage systems with sluggish data access because they minimize I/O operations while facilitating efficient disc access. B+ Trees are a good choice for database systems and applications needing quick data retrieval because of their balanced structure, which guarantees predictable performance for a variety of activities and facilitates effective range-based queries....

Difference Between B+ Tree and B Tree

Some differences between B+ Tree and B Tree are stated below....

Implementation of B+ Tree

In order, to implement dynamic multilevel indexing, B-tree and B+ tree are generally employed. The drawback of the B-tree used for indexing, however, is that it stores the data pointer (a pointer to the disk file block containing the key value), corresponding to a particular key value, along with that key value in the node of a B-tree. This technique greatly reduces the number of entries that can be packed into a node of a B-tree, thereby contributing to the increase in the number of levels in the B-tree, hence increasing the search time of a record. B+ tree eliminates the above drawback by storing data pointers only at the leaf nodes of the tree. Thus, the structure of the leaf nodes of a B+ tree is quite different from the structure of the internal nodes of the B tree. It may be noted here that, since data pointers are present only at the leaf nodes, the leaf nodes must necessarily store all the key values along with their corresponding data pointers to the disk file block, in order to access them....

Structure of B+ Trees


Searching a Record in B+ Trees

Searching in B+ Tree...

Insertion in B+ Trees

Insertion in B+ Trees is done via the following steps....

Deletion in B+Trees

Deletion in B+ Trees is just not deletion but it is a combined process of Searching, Deletion, and Balancing. In the last step of the Deletion Process, it is mandatory to balance the B+ Trees, otherwise, it fails in the property of B+ Trees....

Advantages of B+Trees

A B+ tree with ‘l’ levels can store more entries in its internal nodes compared to a B-tree having the same ‘l’ levels. This accentuates the significant improvement made to the search time for any given key. Having lesser levels and the presence of Pnext pointers imply that the B+ trees is very quick and efficient in accessing records from disks.  Data stored in a B+ tree can be accessed both sequentially and directly. It takes an equal number of disk accesses to fetch records. B+trees have redundant search keys, and storing search keys repeatedly is not possible....

Disadvantages of B+ Trees

The major drawback of B-tree is the difficulty of traversing the keys sequentially. The B+ tree retains the rapid random access property of the B-tree while also allowing rapid sequential access....

Application of B+ Trees

Multilevel Indexing Faster operations on the tree (insertion, deletion, search) Database indexing...


In conclusion, B+ trees are an essential component of contemporary database systems since they significantly improve database performance and make efficient data management possible....

FAQs on B+ Trees

Q.1: What is a B+ Tree?...