Deployment and Hosting

Deployment and hosting involve the process of making web applications accessible online. Developers use platforms like Heroku, Netlify, or AWS to deploy their applications to servers, making them available to users worldwide. This ensures that the applications are live and functioning properly for users to access and interact with.

Sources to learn:

  • w3wiki
  • freeCodeCamp
  • Codecademy
  • MDN Web Docs

Continuous learning in web development entails staying updated with the latest trends, tools, and best practices. It involves actively seeking new knowledge through blogs, webinars, and online communities, ensuring developers remain engaged and informed about advancements in the field to enhance their skills and stay competitive.

Remember, the key is consistent practice and building projects. Start with simple projects and gradually move on to more complex ones as you gain confidence and experience.

So, friends! stop thinking and start doing…. If you are a beginner, you might like to refer following.

How to become Web Developer [2024]

How can I start learning web development? Is it easy? And how can I keep up with the latest web designing technologies? These are the questions that appear in every beginner’s mind. There is also confusion between web designing and web development, but we’ll talk about web development. 

It depends on how much you are interested in and are serious about it. if you desperately want to learn then you can easily be an expert on it. There’s nothing like it’s so hard or something like it’s so difficult to design websites like we use or look around our day-to-day lives. e.g: Facebook, Google, Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, and many more. 

But if we think about it, Scaring is natural, comes to mind when we look at it as a bunch of graphical elements like different colors, different kinds of fonts, images, Card views, Tables, Animations, etc. and the most interesting one is the term called ‘Responsive’ websites, responsive websites are those websites which change it’s element’s alignments, spacing, etc according to the device it’s browsing. 

Nowadays, website design is accessible with libraries and frameworks, and freely available for use. Learning how to utilize them is crucial. Many online resources offer comprehensive learning materials, making it easier to become a proficient web developer. Embrace the web’s wealth of knowledge and start your journey today.

Learning by doing integrates theory and practice. Engage in hands-on activities to understand concepts deeply. Continuous exposure to evolving trends fosters curiosity, driving ongoing learning and active participation in your field. Let’s start learning the Web Development.

Table of Content

  • What is Web development?
  • Front-end development
  • HTML and CSS
  • JavaSacript
  • Frameworks & Libraries
  • Back-end Development
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • Version Control
  • Database Management
  • Responsive design
  • APIs and integration
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Deployment and Hosting

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