Detection of Pulse Position Modulation

Here is the block diagram for detection of PPM wave.

Pulse Position Modulation Detector

It consist of Pulse generator, RS flip flop and PWM demodulator. The modulated PPM signal transmitted from modulation circuit consists of a lot of distortions mainly because of noise.

The pulse generator performs the task of generating a pulsed waveform. This received waveform is fed to reset-pin of SR flip flop. The reference pulse generator generates, reference pulse of a fixed period when transmitted PPM signal is applied to it , we use this pulse to set the flip-flop. The set and Reset pin produce a PWM signal at the output of the flip-flop. This gives us the original message signal.

Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)

Pulse Position Modulation is another kind of important modulation technique used in electronics communication system apart from amplitude and phase modulation. In this article, we will discuss what is pulse position modulation, we will understand its block-diagram and how do we detect pulse position modulation. Later we will understand the working of pulse position modulation through its circuit diagram. We will discuss the advantages, disadvantages and applications of this modulation technique. In the end, we will conclude the article.

Table of Content

  • What is Pulse Position Modulation ?
  • Pulse Position Modulation Block Diagram
  • Detection of Pulse Position Modulation
  • Working of Pulse Position Modulation
  • Pulse Position Modulation Circuit
  • Advantages of Pulse Position Modulation
  • Disadvantages of Pulse Position Modulation
  • Applications of Pulse Position Modulation

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So now if someone asks you what is PPM? You can easily answer that question : In addition to this we have seen various circuits involved in modulation and demodulation of PPM signals. As we talked about the application of PPM technique in real-life, we realized PPM is a signification technique and has vast multitude if applications. There is still a scope of improvement in performing PPM which can help to work on limitations of PPM like lowering the bandwidth consumption and working on synchronization between transmitter and receiver. These techniques need time and technology for development and scientists are working on it....

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