Deuteromycetes as Pathogens

Deuteromycetes fungi are a diverse group of fungi that can be found in a variety of habitats which includes soil, water, and plants. This group of fungi is also called to be a prime cause of human and animal infections. Some of the most common human infections caused by Deuteromycetes fungi are candidiasis (thrush), aspergillosis (fungal infection of the lungs), and histoplasmosis (fungal infection of the lungs). Deuteromycetes fungi are able to cause infections by invading the body and colonizing the tissues. They can also produce toxins that can damage the tissues.

Some of the common symptoms of Deuteromycetes fungal infections are fever, coughing, chest pain, and shortness of breath. The treatment of Deuteromycetes fungi is with a range of antifungal medications. These medications work by either killing the fungi or stopping them from multiplying. A large number of Deuteromycetes fungi are serious plant pathogens and are responsible for causing a variety of plant diseases resulting in great economic losses. Deuteromycetes produce a variety of toxins in foods, feeds, and grains in storage. Some of these toxins are carcinogenic.


In earlier systems of classification, only habit or external morphological characters were considered the sole basis of classification. But later on, organisms were classified on the basis of their natural affinities and finally on the basis of phylogeny (evolutionary tendencies). Many systems of classification were devised from time to time. The five-kingdom system of classification proposed by R.H. Whittaker in 1969 is widely accepted and includes kingdoms Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia

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This phylum includes fungi which exhibit only an asexual mode of reproduction. Hence they are termed imperfect fungi. When the sexual mode of reproduction is discovered they are placed into other classes. They reproduce by asexual spores called conidia. Their mycelium is branched and septate unlike that of Phycomycetes. They are either saprophytic or parasitic. Deuteromycetes hold great economical importance. They act as decomposers of organic matter and play an important role in mineral recycling. They are also known as ‘second class’ fungi. Deuteromycetes are responsible for various plant diseases and cause the degradation of food....

Characteristic Features of Deuteromycetes

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Classification of Deuteromycetes

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Examples of Deuteromycetes

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Deuteromycetes as Pathogens

Deuteromycetes fungi are a diverse group of fungi that can be found in a variety of habitats which includes soil, water, and plants. This group of fungi is also called to be a prime cause of human and animal infections. Some of the most common human infections caused by Deuteromycetes fungi are candidiasis (thrush), aspergillosis (fungal infection of the lungs), and histoplasmosis (fungal infection of the lungs). Deuteromycetes fungi are able to cause infections by invading the body and colonizing the tissues. They can also produce toxins that can damage the tissues....

Reason for Deuteromycetes being called the Imperfect Fungi

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Key Points on Deuteromycetes

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FAQs on Deuteromycetes

Question 1: Which disease is caused by Trichoderma?...