Developing a Crisis Management Programme

Developing a Crisis Management Programme involves several key steps as outlined:

  1. Conduct a Crisis Audit: Begin by conducting a systematic assessment to identify potential trouble spots and vulnerabilities. This involves analyzing both universal crises and those specific to the industry. For example, in the airline industry, untimely deaths of key executives can be a crisis. The audit helps in understanding potential risks and areas that require attention.
  2. Formulate Contingency Plans: Contingency plans are backup plans that can be activated when a crisis occurs. These plans should include early warning signals, specific actions to be taken, and expected consequences of those actions. Tailor the contingency plans to address the identified risks and vulnerabilities.
  3. Create a Crisis Management Team: Assemble a crisis management team consisting of specialists from different disciplines who can effectively implement the contingency plans. The composition of the team should depend on the anticipated crisis. The team’s role is to respond swiftly and effectively during a crisis situation.
  4. Perfect the Programme: Over time, an organisation can enhance its crisis management program through experience and learning. While a company cannot prevent a crisis, it can become better prepared, experience fewer crises, recover faster, and gain a competitive advantage. Companies should aim to integrate crisis management with other programs, such as total quality management and environmental management, as there is often overlap and shared learning.
  5. Proactive and Reactive Approaches: Crisis management consists of three parts: proactive measures taken before a crisis occurs, reactive actions during the crisis, and learning from the crisis afterwards. A good crisis management program considers all three aspects to effectively handle crises and minimize their impact.

It is crucial for organisations to recognize and overcome the blocks to effective crisis prevention strategies, such as fear, anxiety, and denial. Companies should not wait for external pressure to implement crisis management but instead be proactive in preparing for potential crises.

Professor Yoram Jerry Wind from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School identifies three essential characteristics of organisations that thrive during times of turmoil:

  1. Disciplined Opportunities: During periods of uncertainty, there are significant opportunities to acquire undervalued assets. However, it is crucial to approach these opportunities with caution and discipline. Organizations must carefully evaluate potential investments and make informed decisions.
  2. Continuous Learning and Unlearning: In a rapidly changing market, the assumptions that drive an organization’s current vision and strategy may quickly become outdated. It is essential to recognize the need for continuous learning and be willing to let go of outdated beliefs and practices. By embracing a mindset of unlearning, organizations can remove constraints and adapt more effectively.
  3. Adaptive Experimentation: In turbulent environments, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy that guarantees success. Therefore, organizations must foster a culture of ongoing experimentation. This involves designing projects and initiatives that allow for learning, adaptation, and change. By continuously experimenting and adjusting their approaches, organizations can navigate uncertainty and find innovative solutions.

Crisis Management: Techniques and Programmes

Crisis management is a strategic approach employed by individuals, organisations, or governments to navigate and respond effectively to unexpected and potentially damaging events. It involves a range of actions, processes, and plans aimed at minimizing the negative impact of a crisis and swiftly restoring stability.


A crisis can take various forms, such as natural disasters, health emergencies, financial turmoil, accidents, security breaches, or reputational issues. Key elements of crisis management include proactive preparedness, assessing risks, coordinating responses, communicating with stakeholders, making informed decisions, facilitating recovery, and continually improving crisis management strategies. By employing strong leadership, clear communication, collaboration, adaptability, and a focus on short-term response and long-term recovery, individuals and organizations can effectively handle crises, mitigate damage, protect their reputations, and regain the trust of stakeholders.

Table of Content

  • Crisis Management Techniques
  • Developing a Crisis Management Programme
  • Restructuring During Crisis

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