Diagrammatical Explanation of the above Example

Diagrammatical Representation of the given Example

Lets understand the example:

  • Subject – NewsAgency: The “NewsAgency” class represents the subject. It has the responsibility of maintaining a list of observers and notifying them of any changes. It has methods such as “registerObserver”, “removeObserver”, “setNews”, and “notifyObservers”. When “setNews” is called, it sets the news and then notifies all the registered observers by calling their “update” method.
  • Observer – NewsReader: The “NewsReader” class represents the observer. It has a “name” property and an “update” method. The “update” method is called by the “NewsAgency” when it notifies the observers, and it simply logs a message to the console with the news that was received.
  • Usage: In the usage section, a “NewsAgency” instance is created as “agency”, and two “NewsReader” instances are created as “reader1” and “reader2”. The two readers are then registered as observers with the “agency”. After that, the “agency” sets the news by calling the “setNews” method with the news as an argument. This triggers the “update” method of both “reader1” and “reader2” with the provided news, and they log the news to the console.

Behavioral Design Pattern | JavaScript Design Pattern

Behavioral design patterns are a subset of design patterns in software engineering that deal with the interaction and responsibilities of objects. These patterns focus on how objects communicate and work together to achieve common tasks.

Important Topics for the Behavioral Design Pattern in JavaScript Design Patterns

  • Uses Cases of the Behavioral Design Pattern
  • Example of the Behavioral Design Pattern in JavaScript Design Pattern:
  • Key Component of Behavioral Design Pattern:
  • Step-by-step Code Explanation for the above Example
  • Diagrammatical Explanation of the above Example
  • Advantages of the Behavioral Design Pattern
  • Disadvantages of the Behavioral Design Pattern
  • Conclusion:

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Example of the Behavioral Design Pattern in JavaScript Design Pattern:

Problem Statement:...

Diagrammatical Explanation of the above Example


Advantages of the Behavioral Design Pattern


Disadvantages of the Behavioral Design Pattern


