Difference Among Skeletal, Smooth, and Cardiac Muscles

The differences among skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles are given below:

Characteristic Skeletal Muscle Smooth Muscle Cardiac Muscle
Location Attached to bones Walls of internal organs, blood vessels Walls of the heart
Shape of Cells Elongated, cylindrical Spindle-shaped Branched, cylindrical
Nuclei Multinucleated Single, centrally located Single, centrally located
Striations Present (striated appearance) Absent (non-striated) Present (striated appearance)
Voluntary/Involuntary Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary
Controlled by Somatic nervous system Autonomic nervous system Autonomic nervous system
Contraction Speed Rapid and forceful Slow and sustained Rhythmic and coordinated
Cell Arrangement Bundled in parallel Sheets or layers Branched network
Mitochondria Density Moderate to high Moderate High
Intercalated Discs Absent Absent Present
Function Body movement, posture, heat production Organ contractions, peristalsis, blood vessel regulation Pumping blood throughout the circulatory system
Example Locations Biceps, quadriceps Stomach, intestines, blood vessels Heart

Also Read: Muscular Tissue

Definition, Types, Structure, and Functions of Muscles

A Muscle is a soft tissue that enables contraction and tension in an animal’s body. The types of muscle are skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Muscles in the human body are made up of muscle fibers, connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. Muscle tissue consists of specialized cells called muscle fibers, which contract to move the body.

Each muscle type has its own cellular components, physiology, functions, and pathology. Structurally, muscles consist of contractile fibers organized into bundles. The muscle functions include generating force for movement, maintaining posture, and supporting vital physiological processes. In this article, we will discuss the structure, type, and functions of muscles in detail.

Table of Content

  • What are Muscles?
  • Types of Muscles of Human Body
  • Difference Among Skeletal, Smooth, and Cardiac Muscles
  • Conclusion: An Overview, Types, Structure and Functions Of Muscles
  • FAQs – An Overview, Types, Structure and Functions Of Muscles

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