Difference Between Adaptation & Mitigation




Primary Focus

It mainly focuses on adapting to the effects.

It focuses on changing the cause itself.


Generally Provides the benefits at a local scale.

It provides benefits at a global scale.


It has a short-term effect because the original cause of the problem always remains.

It has a long-term effect because it removes the cause of the problem.


Adaptation strategies can be like planting trees.

Mitigation strategies are reducing greenhouse gases, etc.


In the case of energy resources, it can be strategies like reducing the use of fossil fuels. It can be like an increase in the use of electromotive vehicles.

Difference Between Adaptation and Mitigation

Difference Between Adaptation and Mitigation: Adaptation and mitigation are two methods that can be used to fix various problems in the world like climate change, pollution, water treatment, and many more. These both occur in many things like humans developing new climate change strategies, animals trying to adapt themselves to the environment, etc. and they are very important for our planet Earth and humanity as a whole. These two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, so it is essential to understand the difference.

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